Divadelní revue is an interdisciplinary journal that supports diverse approaches to the interpretation of theatre and performativity, including its intersections with anthropology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, linguistics and other arts and social studies. The Journal publishes original studies and articles relevant to the Journal’s research focus and relate to the leading topic of the respective issue. Expert studies by Czech and international researchers are accompanied with documentary and archival articles, essays, interviews, reviews and reports on current events in the field.
Formal requirements for the individual sections can be downloaded here.
Texts not falling among the announced topics may also be published; however, in that case, the editors reserve the right to decide on their acceptance for publication.
Please follow the formatting rules for your submissions. Please note that texts significantly deviating from the formatting rules will be returned to the authors for correction and resubmission. The Journal accepts submissions in Czech, Slovak, English and German. The editors decide on acceptance or refusal of manuscripts based on independent reviewers’ opinions. The review process is anonymous for both sides.
Please observe the following structure:
The editors reserve the right to decide on acceptance or rejection of the submitted text. The author is responsible for the linguistic and expert quality of the text. Manuscripts must be grammatically correct. Authors submitting texts in a language other than Czech that is not their native tongue are advised to have a native speaker (or a person with adequate knowledge of the language) proofread the text before its submission. English manuscripts should use British English and follow its grammar and punctuation rules.
The editors reserve the right to make linguistic and formal changes in the manuscript. All changes must be approved by the author in the framework of the author’s proofreading.
The author is responsible for obtaining the copyright to any and all photographs and images reproduced in the article. The editorials will not cover any royalties in this respect. All photographs and images must comply with the print quality (500 dpi resolution or higher).
Authors must follow the rules of publishing ethics.
The first issue of Divadelní revue is published in May/June, the second in November/December of each year. Submissions for the main sections should be submitted by the end of November of the previous year for the first issue, and by the end of May of the current year for the second issue. Deadlines for other sections are one month later.
Contributions to the Journal are not remunerated.
This section accepts original scholarly texts based on the study of relevant sources, using a consistent methodology and reflecting the current and past research in the field. Manuscripts should be 20 to 25 standard pages long (36,000 to 45,000 characters including spaces), contain a list of works cited, meet formal and bibliographic requirements, and be submitted by the deadline. An abstract (in Czech; 600 to 700 characters), keywords (in Czech), author’s affiliation and a short profile (approx. 300 characters, areas of research interest, current workplace, and possibly also professional history) are mandatory items. English translation of the abstracts and keywords will be arranged by the editorial staff.
The section accepts brief texts, typically revised conference papers or contextualised and annotated primary source collections. Manuscripts should be 15 to 20 standard pages long (27,000 to 36,000 characters including spaces), contain a list of works cited, meet formal and bibliographic requirements, and be submitted by the deadline. An abstract (in Czech; 600 to 700 characters), keywords (in Czech), author’s affiliation and a brief profile (approx. 300 characters, areas of research interest, current workplace and professional history, where relevant) are mandatory items. English translation of the abstracts and keywords will be arranged by the editorial staff.
A section dedicated to specific questions and phenomena in artistic and research practice, for which we accept texts of 6 to 10 standard pages (11,000 to 18,000 characters including spaces) in the form of a critical essay. The possible contents include a critical analysis, survey or discussion on a particular topic.
This section accepts reportage texts on plans and expectations and their confrontation with reality and accounts of experiences from fellowships, study stays or trips to an international conference, or of a theatrical or artistic event. The texts may show fictional aspects.
In this section we publish interviews with leading theatre theoreticians and theatre makers, as well as portraits of scholars and personalities from the area covered by the respective issue of the Journal.
New publications
This section accepts texts no older than three years from their original publication. A review (from the Latin re-censeó, i.e. to reassess, to evaluate) should not only present the work, but also assess its qualities on the basis of factual and well-founded arguments. Length of up to 7 standard pages (13,000 characters including spaces); complete bibliographic information about the publication under review is required. The section also contains an editorial overview of new book titles.
News should not exceed 3 standard pages (5,400 characters including spaces); the subject should be consulted with the editors beforehand. We accept news about events that are related to the issue topic or are worthy of attention for some other reason (e.g. premieres, festivals, exhibitions, conferences, international scholarships etc.).
Text formatting
Submissions are accepted as Microsoft Word documents (doc, docx or rtf). Font size should be 12 points with normal line spacing. Authors are asked not to use other text formatting such as alignment and automatic headings or numbering. Annotations (footnotes) are expected to be included in the body text. Image attachments, tables and their captions should be sent in separate files, rather than incldued in the body text file. Only references to the attachments shall be inserted in the text (e.g. “Fig. 1”).
Divadelní revue follows the rules of British English. The Journal does not perform comprehensive proofreading of English manuscripts and is not responsible for any linguistic errors or inaccuracies. Authors who are unsure of the linguistic quality of their English texts are strongly advised to procure high-quality proofreading. The Journal only translates or proofreads English abstracts, summaries and captions under figures or tables.
Latin terms
Latin terms or their abbreviations should be italicised (“de facto”, “per se”, “in situ”, “in medias res”). Words of Latin origin and their abbreviations which are widely used and commonplace in English (e.g. “artefact”, “cathedral”, “circa”, “cf.”) need not be italicised.
Numbers below 10 should be given in words; numbers above 10 should be given in Arabic numerals. If the number is part of a sentence where most numbers are over five, you can use Arabic numerals for all of them. Chronological and general numerical ranges should be indicated by an en dash (–), not a hyphen, and without spaces (e.g. “1918–1920” and “9–15”).
Image attachments
Image attachments are accepted in TIFF, EPS, AI, PSD, or JPG formats. The editorial office does not accept images in the form of Microsoft Word documents. The minimum image resolution required is 500 dpi. Submitted files should be clearly named, numbered and described (including source and author of photographs). Authors are not charged any extra fees for publication of attachments in colour.
Online attachments
Online attachments can be uploaded as Dependent Files in the OJS interface. Online supplements may include a wide range of materials (text, tables, photos, videos) that are unsuitable for printed version of the Journal due to their size or volume. Online attachments should be referenced in the text in the same way as image attachments or tables (e.g. “Online Attachment 1”). Please note that such material will only be available online as a downloadable file on the article’s website.
Funding statement / Dedication / Affiliation
Funding statements (typically identifying details of grant projects) must be included in the Acknowledgements section between the body text and the list of works cited (references). Authors are advised to diligently verify the accuracy of all information provided. The editorial staff assume no responsibility for typos or omissions caused by the authors’ negligence.
Citation in the text
Divadelní revue uses the Harvard style of referencing; accordingly, brief indication of scholarly literature, fiction, and book-length sources is included in parenthesis in the body text. References to unpublished archival sources and online resources are indicated in footnotes. The parenthesised indication includes the author’s name, the year of publication and, after a colon and a space, the page number or range, separated by an en dash. Specific page numbers should be indicated in each case unless the citation refers to a work as a whole. Multiple citations in a single parenthesis are separated by semicolons and arranged chronologically from oldest to newest. If several works by the same author have the same year of publication, they are distinguished by adding lower case letters to the respective year. If a paper has three or more authors, only the first author is listed, followed by “et al.”.
Square brackets
Use square brackets in the body text for an author’s comment (a), a word form differing from the original citation (b), and an ellipsis (c):
Titles of books, anthologies and journals, individual quoted words and key terms are italicised. Cited passages and titles of subparts of books, anthologies and journals (chapters, subchapters, essays, short stories, studies, etc.) should be in quotation marks (i.e. double “X”, single ‘X’).
Other formal requirements for submitted papers
References and citations
Footnotes should be used solely for comments and additional information. Footnote reference marks (numerical) are inserted after the diacritic.
„Má‑li napomáhat vymezení jedné epochy literární komunikace v moderně, potřebujeme jinou perspektivu.”1
„Toto úsilí však zároveň provázela reflexe krizové situace jazyka a jeho označovacích možností,2 již lze považovat za součást procesu.”
References to paraphrases or quotes (including references to periodicals) are given in the body text, in parenthesis: (Author year: page number[s]). References to a whole work omit page numbers, e.g. (Zich 1932). Always enclose the parenthesis within the text before the diacritic.
Jak poukazuje Nejedlý, Smetanovy opery sehrály klíčovou roli v utváření moderní české zpěvohry (Nejedlý 1932: 108‒112).
If you are using two or more sources from the same author with the same year of publication, distinguish them by adding low case letters to the year, for example (Eco 1997b: 44-49) or (Eco 1997a). Indicate these codes in the bibliography:
ECO, Umberto. 1997a. Teorie sémiotiky. Praha: Academia, 1997.
ECO, Umberto. 1997b. Jak napsat diplomovou práci. Olomouc: Votobia, 1997.
In references to a page of a book under review (New Publications section), specify only the page number in parenthesis in the body text before the diacritic.
Jinými slovy to potvrdil také Oslzlý, pro něhož byla spolupráce se scénografem „skutečně dobrodružstvím – ovšem duchovním, balancujícím mezi filozofií, historií, literární vědou i kunsthistorií“ (118).
1. Monograph
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY. Year. Title. Place of issue: Publisher, year.
KALVODOVÁ, Dana. 2003. Asijské divadlo na konci milénia. Praha: Academia, 2003.
2. Contributions to a monograph (e.g. anthologies, selection of texts, individual contributions to single-issue proceedings – e.g. conference proceedings, etc.)
SURNAMES, First Names. Year. Title. In Editor (ed.). Title. (Subordinate responsibility.) Place of issue: Publisher, year, pagination.
ARAGON, Louis – BRETON, André. 1994. Protest. In Marcel Nadeau. Dějiny surrealismu. Olomouc: Votobia, 1994, s. 198‒201.
3. Articles etc. in a serial
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY. Year. Title. Source document name, location in the source document.
For journals: volume, year, issue, pages (and date, where relevant).
For newspapers: year, date, page (for foreign newspapers: place).
ZÁVODSKÝ, Artur. 1997. Lola Skrbková – spolutvorkyňa českej avantgardy. Slovenské divadlo 27, 1997, č. 1, s. 52‒59.
MIKULKA, Vladimír. 2002. Heda Gablerová znovu. Divadelní noviny 14, 2002, č. 3, s. 12 (3. 2. 2002).
Ostravský dělnický deník 19, 12. 2. 1936a, č. 36, s. 4.
MUSIL, Robert. 1923. Mediale Zeichnungen. Das Tage-Buch 4, 17. 3. 1923, č. 11, s. 368–369 (Berlin).
4. Electronic monographs, databases, computer programs, sound recordings
Primary responsibility. Year. Title [type of media – e.g. online, CD, tape, gramophone, etc.]. (Subordinate responsibility.) Edition. Place of issue: Publisher, year (date of publication) [date of last update, revision, retrieval date]. Edition. Notes. Availability and access (applies to online documents). Standard number.
Mozart v Praze [kazeta]. 1992. Jan Schmid, Jaroslav Etlík, Zdeněk Mahler, Miroslav Kořínek. Studio Ypsilon. Režie J. Schmid. Edice Čs. hifiklubu 1992. Praha: Sony Music/Bonton, 1998. Nahráno při představeních ve Studiu Y ve dnech 15. 3. 1991 a 12. a 27. 4. 1992.
CARROLL, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (online). Textinofo ed. 2.1. Dortmund: Windspiel, November 1994 (cit. 10. 2. 1999). URL: http://www.germany.eu.net./books/caroll/alice/html. Dostupné také v PostScript a ASCII ve verzích online na ftp://ftp.Germany.EU.net/pub/books/caroll.
5. Citation rules for archival materials
References to unpublished archival sources and online resources are indicated in footnotes. The basic rule for citation of archival materials is to specify each cited material so that it can be easily tracked and identified in the archive and collection. Citations should go from broader to narrower terms.
A specific form of citation applies to individual types of archive materials – documents, official books, files or individual items in the archive.
The citation must include the following details, as far as available:
The information about the cited archival sources is given in the following order: name of the institution, name of the collection, inventory number, call number (signatura), box/book/folder/file/folio number, or pagination.
Use the following abbreviations: inv. no.; call no., box., fol., fasc., pag. and institution abbreviations (in source references included in the body text).
For an accurate citation enabling retrieval of the archival material, please consult the archive collection inventory or the archivist. Certain archival materials have inventory numbers, call numbers (signatury) and box numbers. Not all these details need to be specified if one or two of them suffice for identification. However, the more detailed the citation, the better.
Slovácké muzeum v Uh. Hradišti, fond krojových součástí – ženské kroje z Podluží, inv. č. K 239-270.
Národní archiv Praha, Česká dvorská kancelář, inv. číslo 752, sign. IV-D-1, k. 434, spis Davida Kašpara Glasera (1740).
Zemský archiv v Opavě – Státní okresní archiv Olomouc, fond Archiv města Olomouce, Listiny, inv. č. 1 z 13. října 1261, u Jihlavy.
Archivio Secreto Vaticano, Armadio XLIV, vol. 41, f. 177v‒178r.
Moravský zemský archiv, G140 (Rodinný archiv Ditrichštejnů), kart. 552, inv. č. 2351, sign. 1178, pag. 1.
Státní okresní archiv v Trutnově, fond Archiv města Dvůr Králové nad Labem 1945‒1990, Kronika města Dvora Králové nad Labem 1960–1982, nestr.
Městské muzeum ve Dvoře Králové nad Labem, sbírka písemností a tisků (PT), sign. PT 5218, PT 5219a, PT 5219b, dva plány datované 1890.
Městský úřad ve Dvoře Králové, kronika města DKL za rok 2001, přílohy; kronika přístupná na http://www.mudk.cz/ (cit. 20. 9. 2004).
Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, Masarykův ústav [archivní soubor Ústavu T. G. Masaryka ve správě Masarykova ústavu a Archivu AV ČR], fond Edvard Beneš, oddíl I, karton 70, inv. č. 335, sign. R 137/13 (R 138), Sanace Podkarpatoruské banky.
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ISSN 0862-5409 (printed version)
ISSN 3029-5939 (online)
Registration number of the MK ČR E 5162
©2024 Divadelní revue
Arts and Theater Institute
Celetná 17 / 110 Prague 1